The Rupee Rocket: Unleashing the Power of Compound Interest in the Indian Stock Market Imagine tossing a single Rs. 100 rupee note into a wishing well. You make a wish for financial prosperity, and poof! A decade later, you return to find not one, but Rs. 259.37 sparkling at the bottom. That's the magic of compound interest, transforming even small investments into a fortune over time. In the exhilarating rollercoaster ride of the Indian stock market, the compound effect acts as your personal rocket fuel, propelling your rupees towards financial freedom. The Power of Reinvestment: Think of your initial investment as a seed. When you earn returns, don't just pocket the money. Instead, reinvest it alongside your original amount. This "snowball effect" allows your earnings to generate even more earnings, creating an exponential growth curve. Imagine reinvesting even the small Rs. 20 you earned in dividends from your HDFC Bank shares; over time, it adds up and fuels the ...